日记 ♥ Ghost Rider :D
18 February 2012 @ 7:09 PM

Annyeonghasaeyo :D

大家傍晚好 !

我又来更新了 .

刚刚去 Spark 的 cinema 看电影 .

Ghost Rider ♥

不错下 :目

故事大纲 ( 原谅我用英语 ) :

This is the story of Johnny Blaze who was only a teenaged stunt biker when he sold his soul to the devil known as Mephistopheles. Year later, Johhny is a world-renowned daredevil by day, but at night, he becomes the devil's legendary bounty hunter called the Ghost Rider. He is charged with finding evil souls on earth and bringing them back to hell. But when a twist of fate brings Johnny's long-lost love Roxanne back into his life, Johnny realizes he just might have a second chance at happiness if he can beat the devil Blackheart and win back his soul. To do so he'll have to defeat his nemesis and wayward son, Blackheart, whose plot to take over his father's realm will bring hell on earth unless Ghost Rider can stop him before it's too late.

华语我懒惰打酱长 XD


就自己去看啦 :P

赞吖 :D Recommended .


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The Boys :D

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再见 Bye ♥

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